So, yesterday we took our magnet board and changed it into a spoooky board. At Annika's school they very much like halloween and so all the kids are very keen on halloween, including Annika.
She has her mind set on going as a big candy at the halloweenparty but I explained that mummy just started sewing lessons so this would be a very good idea for next year.I got the images from my favorite designer on etsy, Marieke Vermeulen . She has already a christmas collection as well, with very cute deers and houses.
I also did some crafting in the last week and finally finished this little bag.
I used my new stamp set from decole to print the fabric with little red riding hood. After fixating and ironing it, it should be wash-resistant. We'll see.
I also made some new stamps. A few weeks ago this book arrived at my house.
It's a japanese stamp book and it shows you how to carve your own designs from an eraser. It has many very cute designs in it. It has also many tips and examples on how to use your stamps (like printing on fabric :) ). You don't need to speak japanese to understand the instructions, because the book has step-to-step photos. If you like to get the book, theres a great seller at ebay, pomadour , who sells directly from japan. She is a very nice lady and she has tons of japanese crafting books, shipping free.
And this is what I made so far from the book.
As you can see, I just need to finish of the last one and than we can start with making our christmas cards. A little early you might say, but last year I had a million other things to do (can't remember what) so at the end, no christmas card left our house, what a shame.
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